Dr Kenneth Sabir


VP of Research & Development

Kenny started at AgriWebb as the first employee 9 years ago as Head of Engineering and now leads the Research Group at AgriWebb as VP of R&D. The flagship AgriWebb research project is Foragecaster, a 4-year research consortium with the Food Agility CRC to help develop useful planning tools to improve productivity, resilience and sustainability for producers, working with a team of 36 people including AgriWebb, Cibo Labs, FlintPro, UTS and QUT. Prior to AgriWebb, Kenneth has delivered leading-edge software products for research and development companies including IBM, Bell Labs, CSIRO, Canon Research and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. He has also created software for water engineering company Equatica and the Irrigation Futures CRC for managing water usage for rivers and irrigation. Kenneth has 14 patents filed and research papers across diverse fields as database design, data visualisation techniques, stream processing, text-mining, bio-inspired computing and bioinformatics. Kenneth received his PhD from the University of Sydney in Visual Analytics of Macro-Molecular Structures.

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